Vlasta Provazníková owns the private healthcare facility PRO BIOS with four operations. After she suffered from a very serious illness, she decided to change her status and objectives. PRO BIOS has profiled as a medical facility oriented primarily to prevent morbidity.

What were the biggest problems, obstacles that you have encountered in the early stages of your business?

As an every starting entrepreneur - financing.

Do you have any advice for a starting entrepreneur?

Person, who wants to do a business, should not "perceive" disruptive elements, starting with a bad economic situation but should target his aim which is clearly defined. At the beginning, he should not have the megalomaniac projects and ideas. Caution is never enough. No need to be ashamed to admit that I do not understand or I do not know something.
I laughed myself to be skating on the edge of a knife, but luckily I have always stood up and I have not fallen down. For all experiences and life tests I am extremely grateful. I was lucky that I came across wonderful people in the state administration and at the SBA.

What was the field of your business at the beginning and what it is today?

Provision of health care, which I have been devoted to for 18 years. Gradually over the years 1996 - 1998 the facility was finished and from several specialized ambulances, 18 specialized medical divisions were established. Like from the personnel side, as well as the technical, material and especially instrumental side we achieved to built the top outpatient medical facility of the polyclinic type.

Did a bank help you with financing your business plan?

Banks certainly did not. Great contribution for me in my entrepreneurship period was the meeting in 1995 with the highly professional and humane approach of SBA workers where I drew the first most important loan through Slovenska sporitelna and later on drew the microloans.

How many times have you drawn microloan and what did suit you the most on this product?

I drew microloan totally 4 times in order to purchase medical and diagnostic equipment and I would like to draw it in the future. I highly appreciate SBA professional approach while handling the loan, speed, provision of advices and a very low interest rate. I find it very positive that they provide microloans for starting entrepreneurs, but also for entrepreneurs running new projects.