RE-FEM Pilot Testing

RE-FEM project is aiming to empower women entrepreneurs, through need-based training for maintaining resilient businesses in the post-covid era. The project also wants to serve the needs of the trainers and mentors in business support and entrepreneurship working in the field of adult education by providing easily accessible, high quality and transformative training tools. This is the reason for organizing the Pilot Testing.

Why to attend Pilot Testing?

RE-FEM pilot testing provides possibility to:

  • access to new knowledge, tools and methods and training possibilities,
  • grow a personal network,
  • become a member of the RE-FEM community and/or a project ambassador,
  • attend further project activities,
  • support women entrepreneurs,
  • gain deeper understanding in topics like digital transformation, gender aspects of entrepreneurship, servitization, innovation, sustainability, and access to finance.


Register via Google form and explore new and different perspectives.


Date: 25 March 2024

Place: Slovak Business Agency, Karadžičova 2, Twin City A, 811 09, Bratislava


Who can attend the Pilot testing?

  • Trainers, mentors and coaches who have or wish to have experience in providing support to women entrepreneurs;
  • Educators from higher, vocational and adult educational institutions who wish to have deeper knowledge in interesting topics;
  • Experts from business support organizations who want to change the female entrepreneurship world and share their experience with other peers.

All training materials will be uploaded on the RE-FEM project’s open education platform.



Veronika Blizman Servilová

Alica Cikatricisová